Sunday 8 November 2009

Oops, delay!

Hello everyone!

Sorry about the delay. I'd give you an excuse like "Its been a busy weekend", but I'd be lying - I'm just exceptionally lazy. I'm quite touched by how many of you have been bugging me for a new blog, I'm really glad people are reading it and enjoying it! The pressure's on now, eh?

So, whats new with me? Got myself a sparkly new phone filled with wondorous gadgets and lovely things. Its called the Samsung Blade, which is frankly the most epic phone name I've ever heard (as opposed to the similarly constructed 'Tocco', which is significantly less badass), and its not a bad little phone. I've always been against touch screen phones if I'm honest and true from me to you, mainly because I'm a sucker for buttons. Nothing beats a good old mash on the keypad for me, theres something very satisfying about that physical aspect of battering at the keys. So, I got the phone with a fairly sceptical mindset (th mother got it for me while I was away schooling like a pro, because thats just how she rolls sometimes) and I was pleasantly surprised at how easily I got used to the screen. Its no iPhone, but its very good. Hoorah!!

My little sister has a dwarf hamster called Pip. And it is TINY, hence the name Dwarf Hamster. THIS IS A PICTURE F A DWARF HAMSTER. My little sister's is actually a bit smaller than that one. Now, recently, its had a bit of an accident and fallen off its ladders, the idiotic little creature, and its gone and hurt its leg. Poor little thing is hobbling about like a zombie, and needless to say we are all devistated. According to the vet, it may need to have its leg amputated for £50...

WHOA THERE TREACLEFOOT, WHOA. £50? All of a sudden, I'm not sure its worth it for the little thing. Goddamn human affection, motherbear is too attatched to just let it hobble its way to an early grave.

That makes me sound like a terrible person doesn't it? Yeah...I'm all for paying the price if it'll keep wee sister of mine happy, but its still madness that they want that much to slice off a foot the size of a...long pea. I guess the vet needs to put food on the table like. Anyways, I'll keep you updated on Pip's condition.

Thats all I have to say for now, I think. Hopefully its been alright, I may have been too mean, crossed a couple of lines, thrown some shit in the fan, strangled the lioness of morality and virtue...but whatever. There are worse things happening in the world. Like the man who got shot down in Amarillo. He was only asking for directions (bad joke - comes with a free cringe!). But seriously. He was shot.

The track of the day is the recent Biffy Clyro track, The Captain, taken from their new album which is out tommorow. I'll be giving you a little overview of he album tommorow evening probably, so keep your slimy eyes peeled for that!


Thanks for listening, have a good'un!

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