Wednesday 4 November 2009

I Love Getting Letters.

Good day to you! Hope you're doing well, have you lost weight?!

So today's blog is gonna be a shorty, I'm very tired and I'm ready to power down and spend some time on the happy sack of dreams. If you're reading regularly, or at all, I'd love if you could maybe tell a few friends about my magical words? The more the merrier you know!

I got the new Weezer album yesterday evening. In a totally legal way, I swear. I wouldn't steal a purse, I wouldn't steal a mobile phone, piracy is stealing.../advert mock. I've given it a good ol' listen or two and I can happily report that its pretty good. Weezer were nver a band to be taken seriously like Metallicock or Westlime, and that fact remains - this is a very light, not-too-up-its-arse album. As a result, the lyrics can sometimes be very primitive and kind of rhyme for the sake of it sometimes, but that doesn't matter -like I said, this is a very easy-going album and isn't to be taken too seriously. Its very enjoyable, theres some great riffs and some really uplifting tunes as wellas a fairly nice love song to balance things out. Its called 'Raditude', and you should give it a listen. If you've heard any Weezer songs before, you'll know what to expect to be honest.

We got some bloody lovely pears goin' on in our fruit bowl at the moment. Juicy as J-Lo's Jigglies (cheap shot, I know) and simply devine. I'ma pillage my third one of the hour soon...or maybe I should pace myself? Pear's can become addictive and give you liver failure...

Anyways, thats it. Today's track of the day also happens to be my favorite from the new Weezer album. What a co-incidence!


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