Tuesday 3 November 2009

It was Very Cold This Morning.

Hello there! I couldn't come up with a post title, so I thought that would be fine.

So, I've talked to a few people and I've said that this blog will be updated daily - hopefully, this is not a lie. I'll try my very best, just fo you loyal readers. Yes, all 3 of you.

So I'm gonna go ahead and talk a little bit about movies today. The trailer for the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time film was released today ( Watch it here ) which is lovely news. I think it looks like it might be alright, most of my faith lies within Jake Gyllenhaal because he rocks and Donnie Darko was a fantastic film. However, I also worry, because a movie based on a video game is rarley good news (and vice versa, I might add). I never did play the game, but the plot seems fair enough. Overall, I'm not getting too excited, but I'm still gonna keep an eye on this one. You should too. DO IT.

Next up, 2012. I may lose a few fans here, but I genuienly think it looks utterly, horrendously, HIDEOUSLY shit. It draws its story from the fact that the Mayan calendar is going to end in 2012...but...the Mayan calander regularly ends. It then starts again. JUST LIKE OUR FUCKING CALENDAR, ON A YEAR TO YEAR BASIS. The nasty goats in the media need to stop trying to scare people with crazy end of the world stories. The film is all for the CGI, its for the people that love to see landmarks get fucked up by crazy old mother Earth on a rampage, I bet the story is ludicrous and the script is pitiful. The Day After Tommorow (Also starring Gyllenhaal, by the way) has done the 'oh shit we're fucked' idea, with mixed results. I'm all for the apocalypse, its fun, but don't try and fuck with people. They know we're suckers for the special effects, they know we're suckers for chaos theories and nutcase end of the world stories. Don't make bad films about it.

But we'll see. When I see it, I'll fill you in on my thoughts. But based on my preview, you can bet your ass I'm going to do everything I can to hate it. Unproffesional? Yes. But thats just how I roll.

On the note of the end of the world, I've had a few people give me feedback on my idea from yesterday, one good friend of mine even linked me to an exsisting graphic novel/novel thing that is quite similarly concepted - but its all good, upon further inspection, I'm safe. It had zombies. I will have no zomibes. I am an alien man. Give me aliens and I will give you love. Unless you give me Alien Vs. Predator 2. That film was a big fat sweaty bollock of a mess.

Well, I guess thats todays blog. They're getting longer aren't they? Pah. More to love. Or hate. Whatever. I'll finish with a track of the day, since that seems like a nice little feauture.

TRACK OF THE DAY - Apocalypse Please by Muse (Seems appropriate)

So until next time folks,

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