Monday 1 March 2010

Its Been a Very Long Time.

Hello all, and to all a hearty hello.

Its been quite some time since I last made a blog - I got a little bit bogged down by work, and am now in the clear (and by that I mean I'm still bogged down by work but the desire to procrastinate is a powerful mistress). Hooray, I'm back and all that, but be warned - there ain't no way in hell I'm doing one a day. I'll just do 'em when I feel like it, but I promise there WILL be at least two a week. Okay? Deal? Right, good.

So I just found a really massive spoon in the dishwasher that I've never seen before in my life, and I'm fairly sure its a sign from God that I am indeed the big spoon. Thank you, big man in the clouds, it means alot to me. Now, could you ensure that our dishwasher does its fucking job properly? One of the bowls was still covered in some kind of rice shit, God knows how it escaped the gallons on water cascading around it angrily while the dishwasher liquid went "ROAR, COME HERE YOU FILTHY BASTARD" at it. I thank all that is good in the world for the invention of the dishwasher though, washing dishes manually is a royal, upper-cut pain in the testicles.

My music world is expanding slowly but surely, as it always has done. One of my new favorite bands is called Brand New. HOWEVER, I like them best in their album 'The Devil and God are Ragiing Inside of Me' because it captures a really powerful, epic sound that I love. I recomend any rock fans reading check it out its a great collection of tunes! I'm also loving my Kids in Glass Houses at the moment and have bought a ticket to see them live in May. I've checked out a few videos of thm playing live on Youtube, and it looks like they're gonna be a great band to witness in all their live, sweaty glory. My own band is doing very well also, thank you for asking sir and/or madame. Hopefully we'll have lots of lovely things for you to listen to in vast viral pleasure very soon.

THAT IS ALL FOR TODAY, FOR MY FINGERS ACHE AND MY MIND DOTH NUMBIFY. Talk to you later people, and do let me know in some way or form if you're reading this - I really fucking hate writing all this shit and not knowing wether a hundred people or no people are reading - the force tells me the figures are substancially closer to the latter....

Thats all folks,
The Glen.

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